The Pay Equity Portal is an online platform that allows you – employees, bargaining agents and employers - to submit requests and interact with Pay Equity Officers on matters related to the federal Pay Equity Act.

Through the Portal you can:

  • request information on general pay equity matters (“Request for information”)
  • request authorization to modify the application of the Pay Equity Act in your workplace (“Authorization request”)

Pay Equity Portal

Access the Portal

To use the Portal, you need to create an account. Please read our Privacy Notice before accessing the Portal.

To create an account:

  1. navigate to the Pay Equity Portal
  2. select “Register”
  3. select “Sign up now” at the bottom of the page
  4. enter your email address and select “Send a verification code” to confirm your email. If you have not received the verification code within ten minutes, please check your junk folder
  5. enter the verification code from your email and fill in the remaining information
  6. select “Create” once complete to create your account

To login to your account:

  1. navigate to the Pay Equity Portal
  2. select “Login”
  3. enter the email address and password associated with your account and select “Sign in”

Guidance for using the Pay Equity Portal

Important terms

A case may be a request for information or an authorization request.

An affected workplace party is any party that can be involved in a case. There are different categories of workplace parties:

  • bargaining agent (a union)
  • non-unionized employees (a group or individual)
  • employer/Group of Employers
  • employee/Employee representative

Submit your request for information or authorization request

When you start your request for information or authorization request in the Portal, you can choose to save a draft version if it is not ready to be submitted:

  1. select “Save form” at the bottom of the form. It has not yet been submitted to the Office of the Pay Equity Commissioner (OPEC)
  2. you can modify your draft form until you are ready to submit.
  3. you can delete a case in the draft stage. This action is permanent.

To submit your case:

  1. navigate to the summary tab in your case
  2. review your request on the summary page. Make sure you have completed your form and added all of the information that has been requested
  3. once you are ready to submit, select the “Submit " button at the bottom of the page. This will alert the Pay Equity Unit of your request/application

Once your case has been submitted, the status will read “Submitted - Waiting for PEO Review”. This means that a Pay Equity Officer will review your case to make sure it includes the basic information for assessment. You will receive an email confirming your submission.

Add an affected workplace party

A requestor needs to add all workplace parties that might be affected by their authorization request (e.g., bargaining agent, or group of non-unionized employees, etc.).

To add an affected workplace party:

  1. select your case
  2. navigate to the party information tab
  3. under the header titled “Additional parties” select “Add a workplace party”
  4. enter the full, legal name of the affected workplace party (name of organization, certified bargaining agent or group, e.g., Flight Airlines Union). Do not use or include acronyms. If the workplace party is a group of non-unionized employees, enter the name that describes the group. Do not include an individual's name unless it is a non-unionized employee who represents themself; in this case, add the individual’s name plus the term "non-unionized employee" (example, Amal Diaz - non-unionized employee).
  5. Enter the email address of the individual who has the authority to represent the workplace party. Once the individual has accepted the invitation, their name will appear in the case.
    • only invite one representative per workplace party. The initial representative invited to the case will be able to add up to two additional representatives to their workplace party. (e.g., sending an email to "Amal" in the step above will add them as the representative for Flight Airlines Union. Once Amal accepts the invitation, they can add Morgan and Samar to Flight Airlines Union, if they choose)
  6. select “Submit” to save the information for this affected workplace party

A Pay Equity Officer will review the affected workplace parties listed in the case and send the invitations.

Add a representative

The requestor and each workplace party who accepts an invitation to join a case can have up to three (3) representatives for their workplace party.

To add a representative:

  1. navigate to the Party information tab of your case
  2. locate your workplace party and select “Invite a representative”
  3. complete the full name and e-mail address of the person you wish to add to your workplace party as a representative
  4. select “Submit” to send the invitation


You can upload and download documents in a case. All parties can view and download any documents in a case.

To download a document:

  1. navigate to the document tab in your case
  2. select the button titled “Download” in the “Actions” column. This will download the document to your device

To upload a document in a case:

  1. navigate to the Document tab in your case
  2. select the button titled “Upload a document.” This will display the maximum number of attachments you can upload at once, the file extension types accepted, and the maximum file size
  3. select the button titled “Upload a document” once more to select the document you wish to upload
  4. enter a title or description for this document in the text box and select “Submit” to upload the document to your case

All parties in your case will receive an email informing them of a new document in the case.

Respond to a case invitation

You might be invited to participate in a case as a representative of an affected workplace party. Invitations are valid for 7 days from date sent.

If you are invited to join a case, you will receive an email with the following information:

  • a validation key; and,
  • the file number for the case you were invited to join

You can choose whether or not to participate in a case. If you wish to participate, you must accept the invitation using our Portal - see the instructions below. If you decide not to participate, you need to let the OPEC know. You can decline the invitation via the portal, or you can send us an email at with the name of your workplace party and the case number.

How to join a case:

  1. login or create an account in the Pay Equity Portal
  2. select “Invitation Response” on your home page
  3. enter the validation key and the case number you received by email
  4. select “Submit”
  5. confirm your role in the case. For example: I represent the bargaining agent, employer, group of non-unionized employees or other affected party
  6. accept the invitation

Once you have successfully joined a case, the case will be listed on your home page. Selecting the case will give you access to the form, ability to view and upload documents, add representatives (where appropriate) and the message centre.

Using the Message centre

The Message centre allows you to communicate with one or multiple parties in the case, including the Pay Equity Officer.

To begin a new conversation:

  1. navigate to the Message centre tab in your case
  2. below the header titled “My discussions” select “New topic”
  3. enter a name/title for this new topic and select the participants you wish to include in the discussion. If there are only two parties in a case, the choice of participants in the discussion will be pre-selected
  4. use the text box to write your message and select “Submit” to send it

To view a conversation:

  1. navigate to the Message centre tab in your case
  2. below the header titled “My discussions” select the existing discussion you wish to open
  3. use the text box below the conversation to write your message and select “Submit” to send your response

You will receive an email when someone creates or responds to a message.

Updates on my case

You will be updated by email if there is a change in any of your cases. For example:

  • when your case changes status (for example from Open to Closed)
  • when a new document is uploaded
  • when a new message is received in the Message centre
  • when a new party joins your case

If you don’t receive updates on your case, please check your junk folder and make sure to add our email address to your list of authorized senders.

You can login to the Pay Equity Portal to view any new information.

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